AgFutura Technologies is a consulting, advisory, education and project development company in the field of agriculture. As an SME founded in 2016 it aims to support the agriculture sector and the food industry. AgFutura offers innovative solutions in the areas of digital agriculture, marketing in agriculture and food industry and consulting by combining their extensive knowledge of agronomy and precision agriculture with econometrics, statistics, software engineering and design.
AGFT background in Agro-Food Marketing and agribusiness development will help them participate in various tasks within the VALERECO project.
More specifically, AGFT:
Participates in T1.5 – Synergies with other projects, T2.2 – Market penetration and acceptance of leguminous crops, T2.4 – Behavioural design strategies to leverage the adoption of legumes by farmers, T4.3 – Cost-benefit analyses, T6.1 – Dissemination, exploitation & communication plan, T6.2 – Boosting stakeholder & ecosystem engagement, T6.3 – Training & capacity building, T7.1 – Administrative and Financial Management, T7.2 – Risk Management and Quality Assurance, T7.3 – Data Management, T7.4 – Ethics and gender dimension.