VALERECO Living Labs are hybrid (digital & physical) multi-actor, open innovation legume-oriented spaces that will be the basis of an EU legume-crops ecosystem to support diversification in industrial farming.
Understand the Ecosystem Services (ES) provided by legume crops and identify those that need to be valorised.
Recognise the barriers to crop diversification and crop rotation by investigating the agrifood value chain downstream actors’ perception of the Ecosystem Services and their benefits.
Identify gateways for penetration of legume crops into the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Design and deploy behavioural design strategies to promote the adoption of legumes in production and consumption
Organise on-station participatory trials in 6 countries to assess the performance of major and minor-underutilised legume crops in diversified farming systems, providing indicators for the 3D diversification agroecological practices and the assessment of N fixation, weed suppression and climate-change adaptability of legumes.
3 major pulses (soybean, pea, chickpea)
5 major forages (vetch, clover, white clover, red clover, lucerne)
1 minor forage (sulla)
4 minor grain legumes (lupins, faba, bean, lentil)
Demonstrate and co-createtechnical economically and environmentally assessed solutions for legume inclusion in cropping systems, providing also indicators for their economic and environmental benefits